Florida Resources
M.U.J.E.R. Inc. (Mujeres, Unidas, en Justicia, Educacion, y Reforma, Women, United in Justice, Education, and Reform) is a non-profit community based social service organization located in Homestead, FL. MUJER has steadily earned recognition as a responsive agency by ensuring culturally sensitive services to our target population.
DV and SV Intervention: to help primary and secondary victim/survivors in their healing journey. These services are provided to the individual and the entire family from the child who witnesses the abuse to the person enduring the abuse.
Roxcy Bolton Rape Treatment Center
The Roxcy Bolton Rape Treatment provides advocacy and accompaniment, crisis intervention, information and referral, and counseling to victims of sexual and non-offending family members. A forensic examination is also done on-site by SANE-trained ARNPs.
Florida Council Against Sexual Violence
As the state’s sexual assault coalition, the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence (FCASV), a nonprofit, is dedicated to victims and survivors of sexual violence and the sexual assault programs that serve them. Sexual violence is intrinsically linked to the social justice movement, and we are committed to ending the societal attitudes, cultural beliefs, and institutional practices that perpetuate sexual violence and other social injustices.
Provides information on sexual assault centers in Florida.
Communities Against Violence Network
Founded and operated by the former Special Counsel to the Violence Against Women Office, CAVNET enhances collaboration among rape crisis centers, law enforcement, prosecutors, advocates, and others, and addresses sexual assault, rape, incest, domestic violence, youth violence, and victimization of people with disabilities, through an international network of professionals. They operate a comprehensive online database, an electronic mailing list, and an online voice-enabled forum for survivors, who meet and communicate in real-time using their computers.
Speaking Out About Rape (SOAR)
SOAR’s mission is to provide education and support regarding the totality of the crime of rape. This includes all aspects of the trauma to its survivors, significant others, as well as society as a whole. Their goal is to increase awareness and acceptance of its victims and to make a safe pathway through the medical and criminal justice communities and the healing process. They achieve this goal by providing presentations from the survivor’s perspective.